Adult Tennis Programs
all programs and clinics can be accessed with our bush tennis center app
Women’s & Men’s Ladder League
Women’s: Monday nights from 6:00pm to 8:00pm
Men’s: Monday nights from 6:00pm to 8:00pm
18 years and older
Bush supplies the balls
bring a water bottle
Sign up for the month by contacting our Pros:
Women’s League - Michelle 512-924-7097
Men’s League - Randy 361-562-8017
Adult Thursday Night Clinic
Register on the app or call 432-620-8180 if you plan to attend!
Drill and Play clinics are fun fast-paced clinics that focus on strategy, drills, games and point play. This clinic is not for beginners. You should know the basic skills of tennis to have a fulfilling experience.
Thursdays from 6:00pm to 7:30pm
Members $35, non-members $40 drop-in rate
Meet on court 16 bring a bottled water
Sign up and pay under classes on our Bush Tennis Center app or call our pro shop at 432-620-8180.
Adult Cardio Tennis
This class will have Cardio activity incorporated into tennis drills....a fun way to burn calories. All levels welcome.
Tuesday mornings from 9:00am to 10:00am
Members: $25, Non-members: $28
Bring a bottled water
Sign up and pay under classes on our Bush Tennis Center app or call the pro shop at 432-620-8180.
Drill & Play Morning Clinics
- beginners to advanced players -