Adult Tennis Programs

all programs and clinics can be accessed with our bush tennis center app


Women’s & Men’s Ladder League

Women’s: Monday nights from 6:00pm to 8:00pm

Men’s: Monday nights from 6:00pm to 8:00pm

18 years and older
Bush supplies the balls
bring a water bottle

Sign up for the month by contacting our Pros:

Women’s League - Michelle 512-924-7097

Men’s League - Randy 361-562-8017

Adult Thursday Night Clinic

Register on the app or call 432-620-8180 if you plan to attend!

Drill and Play clinics are fun fast-paced clinics that focus on strategy, drills, games and point play. This clinic is not for beginners. You should know the basic skills of tennis to have a fulfilling experience.

Thursdays from 6:00pm to 7:30pm

Members $35, non-members $40 drop-in rate

Meet on court 16 bring a bottled water

Sign up and pay under classes on our Bush Tennis Center app or call our pro shop at 432-620-8180.

Adult Cardio Tennis

This class will have Cardio activity incorporated into tennis drills....a fun way to burn calories. All levels welcome.

Tuesday mornings from 9:00am to 10:00am

Members: $25, Non-members: $28

Bring a bottled water

Sign up and pay under classes on our Bush Tennis Center app or call the pro shop at 432-620-8180.

Drill & Play Morning Clinics

- beginners to advanced players -

Drill and Play clinics are fun, fast-paced clinics that focus on strategy, drills, games and point play.

Beginner clinics are designed for beginner adult players to learn the fundamentals, rules of the game, scoring and strategy.

Thursdays (women): Intermediate to Advanced Clinic
9:00 am to 10:30 am

Fridays (men and women): Beginner to Intermediate Clinic 9:00am to 10:30am

Saturdays (men and women): All Levels Clinic
9:00 am to 10:30 am

Members $35, Non-members $40 drop-in rate

Bring a bottled water

Sign up and pay under classes on our Bush Tennis Center app or call the pro shop at 432-620-8180

For more information on adult Clinics, please contact Michelle Stallard @ 512-924-7097